Why Do I Need Power Skills? (And What Are They, Anyway?)

RedCat Multiverse
3 min readJul 10, 2022

There’s nothing “soft” about these skills…

If you’ve been following RedCat Multiverse for any time at all, you’re familiar with the fact that we are creating the FIRST Play>>Learn>>Earn model in blockchain gaming. But what does that actually mean?

Some of you may be saying, “I’m grown. I’m done with school. I don’t need to learn. I just want to play Web3 games and make money.” That’s fantastic! You can do both of those things in the RedCat Multiverse. We are all about “SMART FUN,” which means you can play in the RedCat Multiverse in whatever way best suits you. We’ve combined extrinsic and intrinsic rewards to give you all the feels. :-)

But, just for fun, let’s talk about what exactly you’ll be learning in the RedCat Multiverse. “Soft Skills” is somewhat of a buzz term these days, but it’s for a good reason. In a time where automation and AI, AGI and other technologies will be swiftly changing the way we work, these soft skills, once thought to be inherent traits, are becoming more and more valuable, regardless of your career path. That’s why we like to call them, “Power Skills.” These skills have the power to change the trajectory of your career. There’s nothing “soft” about that.

Power Skills are attributes that are valued in business and social constructs because possessing these skills empowers people to interact with others effectively and harmoniously.

Who DOESN’T need to get better at this? Who WOULDN’T benefit from developing and mastering skills that will empower them to better engage with others? Can you live without these skills? Yes. Should you live without these skills? Probably not. After all, these are the skills you need if you want to advance your career, lead others, negotiate your own business terms and create beneficial relationships, ultimately leading to a better quality of life.

Need more convincing? Studies by Stanford Research Institute and the Carnegie Mellon Foundation among Fortune 500 CEOs established that 75% of long term job success resulted from soft skills mastery and only 25% from technical skills. Harvard University reported that 85% of success at the workplace is attributed to Soft skills and only 15% to technical skills.

Not only will you master these Power Skills throughout the course of gameplay in the RedCat Multiverse, you will also receive NFT certificates for each Power Skill you master. One of the challenges in understanding these skills has been that it’s hard to prove. How do you know that someone is a good problem solver, negotiator or communicator? Everyone can claim that they have developed these skills, but you will have proof. And that is powerful. RCM Labs is backed by incredibly knowledgeable, globally recognized advisors who are leading the measurement of these skills in the RedCat Multiverse platform. Two strategies we are employing are micro-learning, where people learn in bite-sized pieces in order to maximize efficiency and immersive learning, a technique wherein learning comes organically through the process of powerful storytelling. RedCat Multiverse is a factory of possibilities and smart fun for empowered and motivated learners.

What are these mysterious Power Skills? The term applies to essentially anything that helps to produce harmonious and effective interactions with others. So there are many that apply. Here are a few of the most referenced Power Skills, which will be the basis of learning in the RedCat Multiverse blockchain game.

  • Critical Thinking
  • Negotiation
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Decisiveness
  • Flexibility
  • Creativity
  • Empathy

Perhaps you are a professional unicorn and have already mastered all of these skills. If so, let us know. We’ve got a job for you! If you are like the rest of us mere mortals, you may see some opportunities for improvement. This is going to be an opportunity for you to see where you stand and take real action to improve. Join our community today! https://discord.gg/redcatmultiverse



RedCat Multiverse

RedCat Multiverse is a community-first, female-founded, dynamic Web3 blockchain game built on a Play>>Learn>>Earn (PLE) model. Genesis NFTs coming soon!